“The development of carbon-neutral fuels is a complementary solution for our holistic decarbonization approach building on our successful implementation of projects to convert coal power plants to clean natural gas and to facilitate the production of renewable diesel made from organics. The collaboration with Infinium is one we are intent on expanding as it plays an important role in our efforts to provide affordable and reliable low carbon solutions.”
— Tim DeSpain, Executive Vice President at Howard Energy Partners
Howard Energy Partners (HEP) is a diversified, purpose-driven energy infrastructure company focused on providing abundant, clean, low cost, reliable energy that powers communities and businesses and helps people flourish. They own and operate a portfolio of critical energy infrastructure assets in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Mexico that are strategically positioned to serve the world’s current and future energy needs.
In Corpus Christi, Texas, HEP’s Javelina Recycling Facility collects and processes off-gas streams from area refineries. HEP joined the Coastal Bend Carbon Management Partnership (CBCMP) that was formed in February of 2022. The partnership supports the utilization of commercial carbon capture and sequestration initiatives to prevent millions of tons of harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) from being released into the atmosphere.
As part of its commitment to delivering positive energy and its membership in the CBCMP, HEP entered discussions with Infinium about opportunities to beneficially reuse captured CO2.
Infinium constructed an electrofuels project adjacent to the HEP Javelina off-gas recycling facility. HEP delivers waste CO2 to Infinium is used as feedstock in the creation of ultralow carbon Infinium electrofuels. In addition to the decarbonization benefits, Infinium’s project has added a number of new jobs in the community.
Infinium is collaborating with HEP on additional expansion opportunities around the Port of Corpus Christi and other locations in the US. Each large scale electrofuels facility has the potential to mitigate more than 650,000 tons of CO2 per year.