Infinium is the leading provider of modular gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology, and our system is one of the world’s only offerings that can be effectively scaled to your needs. Infinium’s GTL solution uses a direct fuel production pathway, allowing for specification fuel production in fewer steps than traditional Fischer-Tropsch processes. Today, Infinium’s synthetic GTL fuels are used in commercial applications in the fuels and chemicals industries.
Infinium’s GTL solution utilizes light hydrocarbon feedstocks such as natural gas, flare gas, and NGLs and transforms them into high quality, premium, liquid transportation fuels and chemicals including aviation fuel, diesel fuel, naphtha, and other critical industry chemicals. The unique production process facilitates the on-site production of transportation fuels in fewer steps and lower unit cost than traditional Fischer-Tropsch GTL technologies. Infinium GTL fuels contain no sulfur, have lower particulate matter and reduced CO2, NOx and SOx when combusted. The unique process allows for fuel GTL fuel production with limited process emissions.
Infinium offers a full system solution package including technology license, catalysts, and core equipment for customers looking to deploy modular GTL assets and is the only company that offers a commercial ready, end-to-end solution for direct GTL fuel production.
Each Infinium production facility starts with two primary feedstocks: renewable power and light hydrocarbon gases such as natural gas, flare gas, or natural gas liquids (NGLs). Our unique process, reactor designs and catalysts allow for the on-site production of premium synthetic fuels.
Infinium’s electrofuels process combines proven, established technologies with innovative processes and proprietary catalysts and reactors for the unique production of liquid fuels and chemicals that deliver high conversion efficiency and ideal fuel production yields.
Light hydrocarbons such as methane, flare gas, RNG, and other gases are fed into Infinium's Reform™ system, which is an electric steam methane reformer. Gases are mixed with steam to produce syngas, which is a combination of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. While syngas is a common chemical intermediary, Infinium has created a lower carbon solution leveraging traditional steam methane reforming concepts.
Syngas is then processed through Infinium’s proprietary liquid fuel production process and catalyst to produce liquid transportation fuels. Infinium deploys a “chain limiting catalyst” in this process step that produces liquid fuels directly, unlike traditional Fischer-Tropsch processes that produce mostly wax. Unique to the industry, Infinium’s patented catalyst and process eliminate the need for wax refining or co-processing at a refinery. Infinium’s liquid fuel production process has been commercially operated, providing an intensified solution for ultra-low carbon fuel production.
The results are the production of synthetic transportation fuels such as SAF, Diesel, and Naphtha. Infinium GTL fuels can be used directly in existing infrastructure, without costly modifications. They can also be used directly in existing chemical supply chains to produce everyday goods such as plastics, solvents, and cosmetics.