Infinium electrofuels, also known as eFuels, are ultra low carbon synthetic fuels made from renewable power and waste carbon dioxide instead of petroleum. As a result, electrofuels are lower carbon alternatives to petroleum-based fuels.
Infinium’s electrofuel process uses carbon dioxide, water, and renewable energy to make its ultra-low carbon fuels. First, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. Green hydrogen is then paired with captured carbon dioxide and fed into a proprietary Infinium production process to convert them into ultra-low carbon liquid fuels.
Today, the creation of petroleum fuels is carbon intensive, from the exploration and production of crude through to the fuel processing. eFuels are made using waste carbon dioxide that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere. Rather than creating emissions in the production of fuels, typical of traditional fuel production processes, carbon dioxide that would otherwise be emitted is repurposed to create the fuels we use every day, representing a circular carbon recycle process.
As an innovative technology and a premium product, electrofuels are currently more expensive than fossil-based fuels. Key to their value is the ability to immediately decarbonize existing supply chains. eFuels pricing compares at or below other low-carbon alternatives and offer lower carbon intensity. Electrofuels are expected to see similar cost reductions as other low-carbon technologies have over time, such as solar power. In many areas of the world, regulatory incentives are offered to help offset the premium price seen today.
Both! As both a technology innovator and a project developer, Infinium has autonomous control of the eFuels production process from start to finish. Our solution is unique to the industry, producing liquid fuels through our patented process at our own production facilities, requiring no post-processing or refining at third party operations.